June 5, 2009

Energy Saving Search

If you are a Google user like me and it's the search engine you are constantly using, you can help save energy by using Blackle. It saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. In January 2007, a blog post titled Black Google would save 750 Megawatt-hours a year  proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. 

I have set my home page to Blackle, as this would save a little bit of energy everytime I load my internet browser. It is a small step, but every bit counts. Visit http://www.blackle.com/about/
to know more about saving energy one search at a time, and help spread the word. 



MoM from Manila said...

been using Blackle since I read that info last year...nice to know that lots are taking their part in saving the environment..for our kids' future!


Mom from Manila

Unknown said...

I have been using Black Google Mobile at http://bGoog.com to get a better battery life on my smartphone and to reduce my data usage. Blackle is not mobile friendly and does not work correctly on my phone as it has white search results. On OLED based screens you can use over 4x less power having a black background instead of white!