“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” - Washington Irving
A mother encompasses many different roles - a teacher, caregiver, nurse, a storyteller, a scientist, an artist, a soccer coach, and sometimes even a father. In between the many different roles we tackle, sometimes we forget about ourselves. If there is one advice I could give to mothers, it would be love yourself because you can take better care of your family if you take care of yourself. Laugh often. Pursue your passion. Daydream. Meditate. Feel good about yourself because it will make you a happier mom.
And that's my piece of motherly advice. Happy Mother's Day!

happy mother's day sis, great advice
Thanks sis :) I cannot agree more :) Happy mom's day in advance!
Sure, moms do perform multi-tasking and roles very often.
Great advice! Love yourself first before you can give love. We can't give what we don't have, of course.
Happy Mom's Day, dear sis!
Very well said sis..
Happy Mother's Day
A very nice motherly advice. Happy Mother's day to us!
Many moms, and I'm no exception, forget to set aside time for themselves because they're focused only on their family and work. I totally agree with you when you said we should love ourselves first to be truly capable of giving the best love and care to the ones we love. Happy Mother's Day!
Agree. Have a "me-time" once in a while...
Happy Mother's Day!!
It is a great advice thanks. Happy Mother's Day.
Mine is here
right! we need to take care of ourselves too to better take care of our family :D
hey I love your new header :D
Happy Mother's Day!
my non-expert advice
Join WLW again at Heartifying!
he really have to play a lot of roles.. please visit mine here sweetytots
It was a mother who coined the term multi-taskers :) Cheers to all us mommies!
couldn't agree more! nice post. take your time and enjoy motherhood!
Good advice, happy mother's day to you :-)!
Happy Mothers day to you!
Thanks for this advice, mommy... I believe this is one of the most important things we tend to forget when we're already mothers. I'm gonna keep this in mind... Happy Mother's Day!!!
you are right! thanks for joining us.. sorry for my late visit. my DSL is unstable lately :(
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