Now the fundraising for the church has slowed down since it has always been focused on raffles and donations. I was thinking of doing a candle fundraiser that I saw from a non-government organization who raised money for the typhoon victims. Even if money is tight these days, a fundraising event for a good cause will definitely succeed. We just need to be more creative to come up with fundraising ideas for non-profits. I asked a fellow twitterer for some ideas because of the posts she made on their own fundraising event, and she said that they raised a lot of money because they sought the help of counselors who specialized in fundraising. If we could only have their services, I bet we could easily come up with the funds to finish the formation center. She also said that the US government is supportive of nonprofits as can be seen with the list of grants, loans and assistance for nonprofits on
If my fundraising ideas could be as many as my Facebook friends, then I wouldn't run out of them. The one for the beautification of our community needed the money we could raise so that the other communities would also get involve and start their own beautification project as well. It may seem trivial, but the funds we could raise may go a long, long way.

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Hi Jeng, if free drop by. Best regards, Lee.
hi, it is always good to read informative articles such as the one posted here. I mean, the fundraising topic., I am planning to have fundraising for our non-profit group. Thank you for writing the article.
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