Yup, it's on. Time does fly really fast...Joaqui will be turning two in four months and being the overly excited party planner that I am, my notes are done for Joaqui's 2nd birthday. Since I promised my husband that our son's 2nd birthday party would not be as elaborate as his 1st, we have decided that we are having a Jollibee party, for obvious reasons...I don't know a kid who doesn't like Jollibee.
As early as now, we have scouted four Jollibee stores and have inquired party details with all of them. And I have also inquired other party details that can be included that are not in their package (hahaha), so my real plan is really not just your ordinary Jollibee party (kaching!).
As my
n@wie friends Jacq and Con would put it, front ko lang daw si Jollibee...hahaha.
Wish me luck on this ; )
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