Sometimes I ask myself if I've lost my identity as an individual now that I've been working at home and taking care of my child and my husband. In school and here in our place, some people refer to me as "Joaqui's Mommy." Besides the fact that they don't know my name, I guess Joaqui's friendliness makes him well known. : ) I think that's how it is with stay-at-home moms or work-at-home moms - more often than not, we are so engrossed with household chores and a million other things in our list that we have to do that we forget how to be ourselves - how not to be a mommy or a wife, for at least a short period of time.
And this is why I am grateful for mommy friends and relatives because one way or another, they also feel the same way and so when we get together, we are just women who wants to unwind and talk about other things we are passionate about. Like for example when I stopped blogging, my mommy friends asked me why I stopped, and that I should go back to blogging because I'm good at it, or I should pursue culinary arts because I love to cook. These statements really make me feel good about myself because to me it means that I'm good at something else and that other people appreciate the things that I am capable of doing.
As shallow as it may seem, a text message from a thoughtful cousin made my day today. She texted me early in the morning asking me if I want to see The Script Concert with her because she has a free ticket for me. Although I replied late that I would love to watch the concert with her, she texted me this: "I thought of you first kasi personality wise you're game, tapos you're fun to be around with, and the coolest part is unlike many married women friends I know you know how to be an individual and not all the time dapat kasama si hubby. Bottom line Ate Jeng, I really think you're COOL :-) so I wish we can hang out together because I'm sure it will be FUN!"
Now I realize that even if I don't go out with friends as often, this still gives me a sense of balance in my life and I acknowledge the fact that at the end of the day, being myself is as equally important as being a good wife and mother.